Craft Stick Bible Stories

Creative, caring and craft-filled Bible stories that are sure to bring a smile to your face and Scripture to your heart!

The Craft Stick Bible Stories is a Christ-centered episodic series sharing the Good News with families and children around the world. The puppets and sets are made using common household craft supplies, inviting children into a familiar world of imagination and play, and each story is adapted from Scripture.

Ages 5-10

While the target age is elementary school, we have avid viewers ranging from 1-92 years old.

10 episodes

We’re always planning and producing episodes, including New and Old Testament stories.

5-10 mins

Short, self-contained, and perfect for use at home, Sunday school and even in the mission field.


A biblical children’s show focused on truth, accuracy, and a bit of humor, as we say, playful reverence.

Handmade puppets

Talented volunteers

Paper and glue

Painted sugar cubes

Production hours

Countries reached

In 2019, married couple Jimmy and Justine imagined a ministry utilizing their skills to creatively share the Gospel with children. Jimmy, a local television writer/producer and Justine an artist and designer named the project Waking Word, but struggled to find time to make it a reality.

One year later, and rather unexpectedly, home life and job changes arrived. Jimmy and Justine began teaching Sunday school at their local church. One day, they raided their art cart and created a video to accompany their lesson, the very first Craft Stick Bible Story was made.

And it was a hit.

The next three years were filled with new episodes, partnerships with national and international churches, teaching puppetry and children’s ministry ideas to missionaries, and connecting with families from all walks of life. The Craft Stick Bible Stories became a beloved series to thousands and the once dreamed of ministry of Waking Word was founded.

Waking Word Inc. is a Vermont 501(c)(3) nonprofit media ministry creating children’s content for use at home, church, broadcast, and in the mission field.

Waking Word is comprised of volunteers, Sunday school teachers, producers, writers, artists and storytellers all passionate about sharing the Gospel and biblical morality with children and families.

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